Occupational Therapist

Hello! I’m Eva, an occupational therapist and qualitative researcher. Working in an NHS specialist community eating disorders service; recently relocated from Sussex to South Wales.

Occupational Therapy MSc, University of Brighton

Talk to me about: Mental health, neurodivergence (particularly autism & ADHD), eating disorders (including ARFID), identity, embodiment, high demand groups, religious disaffiliation / affiliation, occupational science, Dark Side of Occupation, occupational justice, Social Model of Disability.

Volunteer roles

All About Occupations

Supporting the delivery of the All About Occupations, a free bi-monthly seminar series exploring less known, under-acknowledged and complex aspects of occupations.

Hosted by Dr Rebecca Twinley and the University of Brighton occupational therapy team and Dr Danielle Hitch, Deakin University, Australia.

Learn more and sign up
for future seminars


Crew member for LGBTQIA+OTUK affinity group, launched in summer 2021.

We are here for anyone in the occupational therapy community looking to connect with peers and celebrate all things LGBTQIA+.

Independent from RCOT.

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